It's been a bit of a random day today. To start with I had to go to a local hospital to get accessed for some new compression stockings, that was fine until the bust company decided to change their times and routes so that no one knew how to get to this particular hospital. I ended up getting off at my regular stop for work and walking to the hospital - it's fairly close so it wasn't too much of an issue but still fairly far for someone in my condition.
As for the appointment itself it was really, really quick. The guy took my measurements and said that my new super strong stockings would be ready to pick up in a few days.
Work was tiring today. I'm running off of 5 hours sleep, which is not good. The insomnia was playing up last night and I didn't get to sleep until gone 3am even though I got into bed at 11pm and should of had 9 hours sleep. I managed to be on the phones for a couple of hours today but I needed some substantial breaks because my brain felt like it was turning into mushy fog. I've got a meeting with my supervisor on Wednesday to review my hours so I'll see what he has to say and take it from there.
I got home this afternoon, after making a quick detour to the pharmacy for some more painkillers (I have to go back tomorrow as they didn't have the correct dosage), to receive a call from the GP's receptionist. She said that there was another clexane injection prescription waiting for me, which is not great news. They must of had some time to go over my Doppler scan and blood work and decided that I need to be on those damn things for a bit longer. I was hoping that it would be warfarin but it looks like I'll still be stabbing myself on my birthday so no drinking for me.
I managed to walk into the bed this afternoon with my bad leg so I'm now getting a big loverly bruise. I'm going to have to keep an incredibly close eye on that as I don't want another clot in that leg just for walking into the bed - sigh!
Anyway, it's 10pm here and I'm going to bed to get at least the 9 hours sleep that I need.